Sunday, October 12, 2008

Implementing CALL in the Malaysian Secondary Classroom

If you had the chance would you utilize ICT (CALL) in your teaching?

If I had the chance, I would love to utilize ICT (CALL) in my teaching.

How do you think it would help (or would not help) your students to learn English?

I think that my students would be more motivated to learn English. Other than that, it will be much easier for them to look up for unfamiliar words using the online dictionary. (Not many students want to carry a heavy dictionary to school. But whenever I brought in some dictionaries into class, they always use it.) I might also want to make use of the many ESL websites for my classroom as I believe that my students will very much enjoy them. It would be something more enjoyable compared to the black and white text book we use in school. Some websites also comes with audio and video.

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing CALL in the Malaysian schools?

The advantages would be unlimited source for teaching and learning. The computer itself is a great motivator to the students. Topics can be up-to-date! The colourful screen,animations,audios and videos is the bonus! If teachers use hot potatoes to create exercise, then teachers do not have to go through the hassle of marking as students can see the correct answers on-the-spot!

The disadvantages would be classroom control. When students got their hands on the computers, it will not be easy to control them. Not only that, the computer laboratory itself might be giving a hard time to the teacher. The LCD projector might choose that particular time to not functioning properly. The internet connection might be disrupted due to thunderstorm or upgrade process by the internet service provider and what not.

What are the barriers in implementing CALL in the Malaysian classroom?

The barriers in implementing CALL in the Malaysian classroom are the facilities available in the school and the teachers' computer skill/knowledge.

Please also include any other comments/thoughts/ideas on this topic

Implementing CALL in the Malaysian Secondary Classroom could have been a success just like any other country, if only our teachers have the right knowledge of ICT and if the facilities in school is available for such learning process.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lesson Plan

Level : Intermediate - Form 4

Time : 45 minutes

Aims : To practice speaking by comparing two products and using descriptive words.

Technical requirements: At least two students per computer or maximum of four.


1. Web page :

2. Web page :


1. Teacher asks students to list out some descriptive words which they know. (e.g attractive, handsome, elegant, natural etc)

2. Students then are required to view both websites to see the unique version of a product and its original version.

unique version of the product


original version of the product


3. Teacher and students talk about the differences between the two products.

4. In pairs(or group), students then will do their own research to find one product and its unique version.

5. Students then present their findings in front of the class by using descriptive words while comparing the two products.

6. The audience are free to enquire about the products being presented. (since it is a speaking class)

Follow-up activity :

Students are to write a short compare and contrast essay on the presented products.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Assignment 2 - Website Evaluation..

The website which I evaluated is
So, now I'll go through the questions..

1. Who are the users the website/websites is/are targeting?

The website is targeted for almost all walks of life ranging from kids, adults to professionals.

2. What sorts of things are the application users expected to do with regards
to learning and using (or even manipulating!) the content?

Focusing on the kids level, the users can basically play games, listen to a song ,read a story and get writing.

game start game over

Basically, there are many games for the kids to choose. However, Olympic seems to be the featured game. While playing this game, kids are expected to learn unconscio
usly as they play. The game requires kids to simply select the correct name based on a picture of Olympic sports.

As for 'listen to a song', kids are expected to enjoy the song and at the same time, read the lyrics which appear on screen. It is more of a karaoke session where kids learn how to read. And with the help of the animation, kids understand what they read. Not only that, kids also learn how to pronounce the words. Take note that there are many other songs for the kids to choose.

song : I Can Run

Next, for the 'read a story', there are a collection of stories from short stories, long stories, little kids and fairy tales. Here kids can either watch the animation and listen to the story or read-along the story. Again, listening and reading skills are being used unconsciously. So, learning English will be a fun experience for the kids.

Story : The First Marathon

The Story Maker

Finally, the get writing feature which is not much of a writing task actually. This feature only

require kids to select the characters they want to be included in the story. Kids are also asked to

name a character and some of the setting as well. At the end, nicely written piece of story based

on the characters and setting chosen by kids will be presented, which kids will call it their own

piece of writing. It is very entertaining for beginners. (I enjoyed it as much!! ;) )

3. What sorts of computer skills are the application users expected to have in

order to operate/access/use the application?

Only very basic computer skills are needed to operate/access/use the application. Kids only

need to know how to use the mouse and also to use the keyboard (numerical key).

4. While you are “playing”/”accessing”/”assessing” the website(s), does it remind
you of anything you do (or have done) in a classroom, or with a teacher, or with
a fellow classmate, or in self-study?

Yes. In fact all of them reminds me of what I used to do in classroom during kindergarten. While I was playing the game, it reminds me of the flash cards my kindergarten teacher used to show to us in class. The singing part is also what we did in class. But back then, we only have cassettes played and we kids will be holding on to our colourful book to read out the lines of the song. Read a story section is what I used to wait for in class. The teacher will read it for us and we will repeat after her.

5. What setting will the website(s) best used in: independent study lab with no
teacher available, lab associated with a class, a teacher-led class with one or a few computers?

The website is best used in an independent study lab with no teacher available because I believe that kids now a days are quite advance and this website do not really require high competency of computer. So using it in an independent study lab with no teacher available will give kids the feeling that they are in control. They can also enjoy the website without the feeling under the teacher's glasses.

6. Can you pinpoint some theories of language learning and/or teaching underlying the application?

Frankly speaking, as I was using the application, I was having fun that I do not really notice the

learning part. Looking back, the website only teaches listening, reading and writing. But nothing

on speaking. When I mention speaking here, I am referring to conversation, not just mere

learning of pronuncing words. But then again, the application was designed for kids so maybe

kids need to learn pronuncing word correctly first before they get serious with conversation,


7. How well are the Vygotsky’s constructivist theory of learning and Gardner’s

Multiple Intelligence theory applied to the chosen website(s)?

I do not really see Vygotsky's constructivist theory of learning or Garner's Multiple Intelligence

theory applied in the website.

8. In 1980s and early 1990s, there was a major debate on ‘whether the computer

was “master” of or “slave” to the learning process (Higgins and Johns, 1984). In

relation to your evaluation – is the computer a replacement for teachers, or

merely an obedient servant to students?

I do not think that with all the advancement of technology, there could ever be a thing that could

replace a teacher. Therefore, I would very much agree that computer is merely an obedient

servant to students. This is because a computer can never force a student to do more than one

exercise per session, comparing to a teacher. Not only that, the learning at one's pace can only

happen when the computer is an obedient servant to students. Which in all case, no teacher

would want to be a student's slave and wait for them to learn at their own pace. The reality in a

classroom is either you be patient with the teacher's slow pace of teaching or buck up for the

teacher's fast pace.

9. Would you like to use the website(s) yourself in your future work?

I would very much love to use this website in my future work. (assuming that I'll set up my own

child centre?). Reasons are that it is both entertaining and educational at the same time and I

would not mind if my kids surf this website all day. ;) I believe that the animations and rich

colours they use in the applications will capture the kids' attention to know and learn more from

the website. (two thumbs up to this website!!)

10. Suggestions/Recommendations.

I do not think I have any suggestion, but I do have a recommendation. I would like to

recommend parents to ensure that their kids "play" with this website from an early age. I

believe that it will help them learn the language. I've tried it, so maybe now it is your turn to feel

the fun?!! click here now!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hot Potatoes...get's hotter with the letter J.. ;)

WOW!! Today i learned that there are 7 features of Hot Potatoes.

  1. JCloze
  2. JCross
  3. JQuiz
  4. JMix
  5. JMatch
  6. The Masher
  7. JLO (LOL!! That's what Dr Izaham said..) :P

Well2...there are only 6 of them..and I managed to mess with 5 of them..

Time to show off what I have?.. ;)

p/s: "they" are still in the comp lab.. :(

Monday, August 4, 2008

My belated in-class exercise...~

okey...I just found out that I can actually print screen two halves of my word document..hehee..
then again, my friend gave me an idea that Ican acutally print preview the document first...then print screen it...voila!!

Monday, July 28, 2008


ERK!!! i haven't posted anything yet??.. *blush*

well..they said it's better late than never...right?..
so is my 1st entry?..

p/s: I'm not too sure of what we (students) have to post here actually..